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Supporting Staff Wellbeing

Whilst supporting your students to be the best that they can be will always be your first priority, it is vitally important to support those who support your students. MindRazr offers incredibly cost-effective and customisable solutions to help support the wellbeing of your most important asset; Your staff.


Educational wellbeing

Comprehensive Wellbeing Toolkit

Working as an educator presents its own unique challenges and increasingly schools and universities  are recognising that they cannot hope to best meet the needs of their students without first supporting the needs of those that teach and support them.

MindRazr offers a comprehensive toolkit of wellbeing content to support staff needs, ranging from exercises for stress, focus and sleep to low intensity desk-based exercise programs to keep staff moving and healthy during the day.

Supporting teachers
Healthy and well

Powerful Insight Into Campus Wellbeing

MindRazr powerful analytical capabilities allows Universities and Schools to analyse self-reported wellbeing measures and program engagement by age, sex, cultural background, campus or even faculty.

Universities are also able to leverage the extensive knowledge and skills of staff and students to create their own specialised content to meet the specific needs of the students and staff. 


happy and well

Insightful, Scalable &  Affordable

MindRazr offers a wide  and growing range of content and functionality to suit both student and staff wellbeing programs.

Our highly customisable platform enables educational institutions to adapt and incorporate content from existing wellbeing initiatives, providing greater support, gaining greater insight and increasing ROI. 

Educational institutions have worked hard in difficult conditions throughout the pandemic. We offer affordable, scalable solutions to fit institutions of any size or budget and will beat any comparable price. 

Let's talk!

Arrange a Demo & Free Trial

If you would like more information or to arrange a demonstration or free trial for your organisation, please get in contact.